Evolutionary Astrology Readings

Astrology is an ancient and complex science, where your sun sign actually only plays a minor role. At the time of your birth the planets, and constellations all sat in a particular configuration in relation to the place and time that you took your first breath. This picture of the cosmos at the time of your first breath or incarnation into this life is called a “birth chart”. Using your birth chart we are able to tap into the essence of your body, soul and spirit as well as a guide to your personal evolution throughout your lifespan.

Some questions that Astrology is Useful in guiding one to a clearer answer or picture.

  • Vocation– understanding both the area and timing of finding one’s calling or vocation.
  • Relationship issues– Astrology can help both look at the types of partners we are attracted to, compatibility issues, timing crisis, meeting and change in both future and current relationships.
  • Family issues: Underlying family dynamics that are karmic.
  • Mid-life transition– Astrology sheds very accurate and helpful insight into the major transits and changes that happen between the ages of 35-47.
  • Couples– I also offer composite chart readings. This is looking at the evolutionary intention of your relationships as well as understanding the timing of current and future crisis or potential for transformation in the relationship.

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